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Pastor Nathaniel

Feeling Alone? You're Not. He's Ever Present in Every Trouble

I watched a webinar this week where Dr. Henry Cloud was a guest speaker. He said something that I felt was spot on and wanted to share with you.

He explained how we’ve all heard of PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder), but right now we’re all experiencing Present-Trauma Stress Disorder.

In this case, with the coronavirus, we are dealing with something that we have never dealt with before. A problem that has disrupted our connections with one another, thrown off our regular routines, and leaves us not knowing what to expect in the days ahead. A crisis like this brings high anxiety and a fear that can be so pervasive.

There. We identified the big trouble and why it’s so traumatic (that’s the first thing Dr. Cloud suggested you do in the midst of a crisis).

The question I want us each to consider is, “where do I turn when trouble comes?”

I’d like to take us to Psalm 46:1 to answer that question:

“God is our refuge and strength; an ever present help in trouble.”

Now let’s talk about what we know:

This is not the first traumatic, or troubling time, we have faced in life.

We know we have gone through other major crises and come out on the other side.

When we look back at what we have been through, we are reminded that we did not go through it alone.

We learned what to do, what not to do, and how God has proven faithful even in the midst of doubt.

And you know what, these truths can be applied not only to these troubling times, but any trouble that may come our way.

Hang in there. Keep the faith. He is there. Ever present.

More Scripture to hold on to in times of trouble: Psalm 27:5; Psalm 34:6; John 16:33



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